Motion Graphics
FISHER: Take It Off

Project: "Take It Off" by Fisher
Spotify canvas
Social promo
Full YouTube visualizer
Project Goals:
The goal of this project was to create a set of motion graphics that would visually represent the song "Take It Off" by Fisher. Released by Catch and Release Records. 2022
Motion Graphics
FISHER: Take It Off

Project: "Take It Off" by Fisher
Spotify canvas
Social promo
Full YouTube visualizer
Project Goals:
The goal of this project was to create a set of motion graphics that would visually represent the song "Take It Off" by Fisher. Released by Catch and Release Records. 2022
Motion Graphics
FISHER: Take It Off

Project: "Take It Off" by Fisher
Spotify canvas
Social promo
Full YouTube visualizer
Project Goals:
The goal of this project was to create a set of motion graphics that would visually represent the song "Take It Off" by Fisher. Released by Catch and Release Records. 2022
2023 Jason Jung Media
2023 Jason Jung Media
2023 Jason Jung Media